Pubblicati da wp_8770792

Position Paper GIOG

The management of hip fracture in the older population. Joint position statement by Gruppo Italiano Ortogeriatria (GIOG). Pioli G, Barone A, Mussi C, Tafaro L, Bellelli G, Falaschi P, Trabucchi M, Paolisso G; GIOG.

Call to Action

A global call to action to improve the care of people with fragility fractures. Dreinhöfer KE, Mitchell PJ, Bégué T, Cooper C, Costa ML, Falaschi P, Hertz K, Marsh D, Maggi S, Nana A, Palm H, Speerin R, Magaziner J;

Clinical Toolkit

This toolkit was written on behalf of the Fragility Fracture Network by:
Paul Mitchell, Chair of the FFN Communications Committee

Policy Toolkit

This toolkit was written on behalf of the Fragility
Fracture Network by Jody Tate, Ed Harding
and Pooja Krishnaswamy of The Health Policy


Position Paper GIOG

The management of hip fracture in the older population. Joint position statement by Gruppo
Italiano Ortogeriatria (GIOG).
Pioli G, Barone A, Mussi C, Tafaro L, Bellelli G, Falaschi P, Trabucchi M, Paolisso G; GIOG.


Call to Action

A global call to action to improve the care of people with fragility fractures.
Dreinhöfer KE, Mitchell PJ, Bégué T, Cooper C, Costa ML, Falaschi P, Hertz K, Marsh D, Maggi
S, Nana A, Palm H, Speerin R, Magaziner J; on behalf of: